The Menopause Belly Mystery

by Dr. Leon Katz / June 26 2024

As women go through menopause, many notice an unwanted change in their body shape. Their belly starts to stick out more than before. This is called the "menopause belly." But why does this happen?

It all has to do with the hormones in a woman's body changing during menopause. Hormones are chemical messengers that control many processes, including where fat is stored in the body.

Before menopause, women tend to store more fat in their hips, thighs, and buttocks. This helps support having babies. However, during menopause, levels of the hormone estrogen go down. This causes the body to start storing more fat deep inside the belly area.

This belly fat is different from the fat under the skin. It's called visceral fat, and it can be harmful to your health. It's linked to problems like insulin resistance, heart disease, and inflammation.

So what can be done about the menopause belly? One option is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT helps bring estrogen levels back up, which can prevent too much visceral fat from building up. However, HRT also has some risks, like increasing the chance of breast cancer.

Making healthy lifestyle choices is another way to manage menopause belly fat. Working with a medical weight loss specialist and utilizing modern medications, a balanced diet and exercising regularly and behavior modification can help control weight gain and improve overall health during this transition. Please be aware that choosing to use medications alone, will not lead to a successful long term weight loss result.

In the end, the menopause belly is more than just a cosmetic issue. It's a complex change in the body caused by shifting hormone levels. Understanding what's behind it can help women take steps to stay healthy as they go through menopause.


  1. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016 March ; 4(3): 254–264. doi:10.1016/S2213-8587(15)00418-0.

  2. Fenton A. Weight, shape, and body composition changes at menopause. J Mid-life Health 2021;12:187-92.,_shape,_and_body...

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