Stop Calling a person Obese patient, try patient with a disease of Obesity

by Dr. Leon Katz / May 27 2024

You're more than just your weight or your condition. For too long, people with obesity have been labeled and defined by their disease, with doctors referring to them as "the obese patient." This kind of language can be dehumanizing and make you feel like you're being reduced to a single aspect of your health.

But times are changing, and the medical community is starting to shift towards using more respectful, person-first language. Instead of saying "you are obese," doctors are now encouraged to say "you have a disease called obesity." This subtle change in phrasing acknowledges that you are a whole person, not just a condition.

Negative words about your weight can be discouraging and make you feel stigmatized. But by changing the way we talk about obesity, healthcare professionals can help empower you to take control of your health journey. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and to feel valued and supported every step of the way.

Dr. Leon Katz

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